Wolverhampton MP demands anti-social behaviour hotspot bulldozed for homes
Wolverhampton North East MP Jane Stevenson has demanded a magnet for drug dealing and anti-social behaviour to be bulldozed.

The MP visited the derelict former garages on Meredith Road, on the Long Knowle estate, and was shocked what she found.

Ms Stevenson spoke to residents who complained about the "brazen drug dealing and consuming" in the middle of the residential estate.
Ms Stevenson said: “I am calling for urgent action on this site, which is in a quiet residential area surrounded by family homes and near a primary school.
"Nobody should have to live near sites like this, and I urge the Council to clear the site immediately.
"We are in urgent need of bungalows to meet Wolverhampton's housing need, and this brownfield site seems ideal.
"I was shocked to hear locals have put up with anti-social behaviour and drug taking at this site for years.”
On the floor of the garages were the bigger Smartwhip Nitrous Oxide cannisters which have become popular with youngsters due to being 76 times stronger than the small cannisters which became a familiar sight across the Black Country.

The MP added: "I spoke to local people and their young children who have put up with drug taking and anti-social behaviour for years. It is totally unacceptable."
The MP has requested urgent meetings with the City of Wolverhampton Council and Wolverhampton Homes to address residents' concerns and to push for the site to be cleared and re-developed.
Politicians of all colours want much needed homes to be built on brownfield sites instead of Green Belt land being targeted for luxury homes.
Wolverhampton Council has previously set a target of building 670 new homes every year. For blighted properties and land like the former garages the council has powers which include compulsory purchase orders if landlords refuse to improve properties.
Wolverhampton Council has been contacted for comment. It remains unclear who owns the land.