Restaurant and flats plan for former Wolverhampton bar
New plans have been announced for a former Wolverhampton city centre bar which is being converted into a restaurant and apartments after standing empty for around a decade.

Council bosses first gave the green light to AGJ Properties to transform the old Revolution Bar, in Princess Street, in May 2021.
The original proposal was for the ground floor to be turned into a restaurant, while plans for the upper floors and a rear extension have now been scaled down from 20 flats to 15.
Revolution closed in 2013 and has remained empty ever since, while the upper floors have also been disused for many years. The property sits in the Wolverhampton City Centre Conservation Area and developers said the work – which is already under way – will enhance the building and stop it from falling into further disrepair.
A city council planning spokesman said: “These proposals will create significant investment and a number of new homes at this important location. It will also enable the ground floor of this heritage asset to be brought back into use, creating employment opportunities.”
A heritage statement issued alongside the original application said: “The front façade will be enhanced by repair and maintenance and therefore avoid further dilapidation and continue to actively positively contribute to the conservation area by enhancement of its character and appearance.
“The Conservation Area Management Plan highlights opportunities for enhancement and although residential use is minimal it should be encouraged by good quality refurbishments. Due to the high-quality nature of the design, it offers an opportunity to support the regeneration of this part of the city which has already undergone extensive street-scape improvements.”