Express & Star

Books of condolence opened for Wolverhampton Council leader soon to close

Books of condolence opened to allow people to pay their respects to the leader of Wolverhampton Council who died following a battle with cancer are soon to close.

Councillor Ian Brookfield

Councillor Ian Brookfield, who was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, died on July 2 at the age of 57.

Councillor Brookfield, who was councillor for the Bushbury South and Low Hill Ward, was first elected in 1995.

He became leader of the council in 2019 and served as mayor of Wolverhampton for the municipal year 2015-16, raising more than £17,000 for his chosen charities.

Several books of condolences were opened following his death, with people invited to leave messages in mark of their respect which will later be presented to Councillor Brookfield's family.

Those who wish to leave a message have until Friday to do so in both the physical books – which are available at the Civic Centre and Low Hill Community Hub during normal opening hours – or in the online book which can be found by visiting

Acting Leader of the council, Councillor Stephen Simkins, said: "We have received many, many messages of support, love, gratitude and appreciation from across the city and across the country, with friends, colleagues and residents all paying tribute to Ian, and I would like to thank everyone who has shared their feelings in this way.

"If you wish to leave your own personal message, you are invited to do so by signing the books of condolence at the Civic Centre or Low Hill Community Hub, or online, before the end of this week.

“We will be presenting the books of condolence to Ian's family when the time is right and we hope that they will provide some sort of comfort for them at this terribly difficult time."

Wolverhampton Council has also announced plans to hold a civic event in the autumn to celebrate the life and political career of Councillor Brookfield, with details expected to be announced in due course.