Express & Star

Wolverhampton MP moving to Shropshire after Tory group chooses him for next election

South Shropshire's Conservatives have selected the current Wolverhampton South West MP as their candidate to contest the next General Election.

Stuart Anderson has been selected as the Conservative candidate to contest South Shropshire.

Stuart Anderson, who also holds the ministerial role of Lord Commissioner of HM Treasury, a senior Government Whip, will be looking to replace current Ludlow MP, Philip Dunne, who is stepping down after 18 years in the role.

Mr Anderson had announced in March that he would not be seeking re-selection in Wolverhampton – saying at the time he had made the decision for personal and family reasons.

He was born in Herefordshire and lives in South Shropshire with his wife and his children.

Mr Anderson will be tasked with winning South Shropshire – a change from the current constituency name of Ludlow due to boundary alterations.

Speaking after his successful selection – in which he beat three other candidates, he said: "I am delighted and proud to be the Conservative candidate for South Shropshire. I have been inspired by incumbent Member of Parliament Philip Dunne’s work as a local MP over the last 18 years, and I am honoured to have been selected as the next candidate by South Shropshire Conservative Association to represent this beautiful area and continue his good work.

"Growing up in the Marches, I have got to know the area well. From enjoying the different market towns to running the Shropshire Hills it’s a place I love to spend my time. South Shropshire is the place that me and my family call home.

"I am committed to working hard to deliver for the residents of South Shropshire and ask for your support so that I can stand with you for our constituency. I am looking forward to getting out, meeting local people, and campaigning throughout South Shropshire. If elected, it would be my privilege to serve as MP for an area that is incredibly dear to my family and I. Together, we can ensure that South Shropshire remains a fantastic place to live and work.”

Mr Anderson has previously served in the military with the Royal Green Jackets/Rifles, and has also worked in the defence and security sector.

Commenting on his successor, Mr Dunne said: "I am delighted to welcome Stuart Anderson as my successor as the next Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, who will contest what will become the South Shropshire constituency at the next General Election, when I step down.

"Like me, Stuart was brought up in Herefordshire, and had a track record as a strong local councillor, before entering national politics in 2019. So he has good understanding of the issues affecting the Marches.

"He comes to South Shropshire with experience already as an MP, having been very effective in his first term in Parliament, where I have worked closely with him. He is a superb colleague, having been the best Pairing Whip I have witnessed in my time in Parliament. This has helped him gain the confidence of senior colleagues in the Conservative Party and respect across the House.

"I know his experience and local knowledge will make him a powerful champion for South Shropshire. I look forward to working closely with Stuart advancing constituency issues until the next General Election."

South Shropshire Conservative Association Chairman Julian Rogers-Coltman added: “I am delighted, on behalf of the South Shropshire Constituency Association, to welcome Stuart Anderson as our Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the next General Election.

"Stuart has been an outstanding Member of Parliament for Wolverhampton South West and has brought in over £2bn of investment to the city as part of the Conservative government’s levelling up agenda. He is a senior whip in the government and his connections at the heart of Westminster will bring invaluable investment and support for our constituency.

"He will also build on the fantastic legacy of Philip Dunne, supporting our constituents and the Conservative Unitary council. I would also like to congratulate our three other finalists, who brought their talents to a vigorous contest and wish them well for the future."