Residents on Wolverhampton's dirtiest roads told to clean up their act by council
Residents in the 21 worst streets in Wolverhampton for fly-tipping have been warned to clean up their act by the council.

Fridges, settees, furniture and household waste have been regular sights in streets across the city and the council reminded residents of the rules about fly-tipping.
Wolverhampton Council also warned residents have also been warned CCTV has being installed to catch the culprits.

Councillors on Wolverhampton Council's Scrutiny Panel were told: "The residents in the 21 streets where fly-tipping is most prevalent across the city have been written to giving them information around how to dispose of their waste legally and reminding them that fly tipping is a crime.
"Some of these streets have had CCTV installed so we can gather evidence of who is fly tipping and use our enforcement powers accordingly."
The Council's clampdown has been working.
Councillors were told: "There has been an increase in the percentage of fly tipping incidents resolved in five working days.
"A joint project group with environmental health and public health based officers has been created to explore additional ways to reduce the levels of fly tipping across the City, whilst continuing to respond to reports from residents.
"The project monitors fly tipping hot spots across the city."
Civic-minded residents have also been tipping off the council about their fly tipping neighbours.
The council report said: "The Shop a Tipper project went live in December 2022, targeting an alley where multiple fly tips are removed daily.
"We are using images captured from our CCTV cameras to display where fly tipping is most prevalent, asking residents to call us to 'Shop a Tipper'
"If their information leads to the payment of a Fixed Penalty Notice they get £100 reward."
Wednesfield North Councillor Phil Bateman MBE, who sits on the scrutiny committee, believes fly tipping is a blight on the city.
He said: "Fly Tipping is a Curse! Residents in the 21 most fly tipped streets in the city have been written to giving them information around how to dispose of their waste legally, and reminding them that fly tipping is a crime.
"Some of these streets have had CCTV installed so the city can gather evidence of who is fly tipping. and we received confirmation that the city will use its enforcement powers."

Councillor Bateman MBE urged residents to report fly tippers to ensure his ward did not become a rubbish strewn dump.
He said: "These schemes are so useful, and I hope our residents – if they see fly tipping taking place here in Wednesfield then report it immediately to the City Council or West Midlands Police."
The Shop a Tipper hotline is 01902 555685.
The Express & Star has asked the council to share where the 21 streets are located in the city.