Outbreak of killer fish disease at picturesque angling spot
The Environment Agency are investigating an outbreak of fish disease KHV in a picturesque angling club.

Halfpenny Green Wine Estate Fisheries confirmed KHV, which kills Koi Carp and must be reported to the authorities, had been found.
The fisheries has three lakes set amongst the vineyards of South Staffordshire and is one of the most popular places for anglers in the region.
Michael Godsafe told the Express & Star: "Yes, we have got KHV in our bottom lake.
"We contacted the authorities to report the issue straight away. We are still open as normal as the two other lakes are fine.
"These things happen, but we always do the right thing, there are other places who do not report an outbreak of KVH and this leads to a lot of problems."
An Environment Agency spokesman said: "KHV outbreaks have been subject to statutory controls in the UK since 2007. The UK maintains a surveillance programme for this disease.
"When the Fish Health Inspectorate confirm an outbreak, they take steps to control and, wherever possible, remove the disease. This may involve movement controls on susceptible species in the affected area, enhanced biosecurity, culling of fish, and cleaning and disinfecting of the premises.
"Once statutory controls are in place the site operators must write to the FHI to get permission to move live fish into, out of, or within the designated area, and to make material changes to the site or site activities.
"This also applies to fish eggs and gametes."
The signs of KHV in fishes include white or brown patches on the gills, rough patches on the skin and sloughing mucous and sunken eyes.