Cancelled Wolverhampton music festival tickets are being refunded
All tickets sold for the one day Community music festival in Wolverhampton are being refunded.

The event on the New Horizons stage in the marquee at Newhampton Arts Centre had to be called off last Saturday due to the bad weather including strong winds.
It has not been possible to reschedule a date for the festival this summer.
Organisers plan for it to return in July 2024 with the option of moving inside if the weather is too bad.
All profits from Community were to have been donated to the city's branch of Samaritans.
Eight bands and solo musicians were to have been featured with Cannock's Marquis Drive headlining.
Tickets had cost £10 for adults or £5 for those aged11 and under.
*The tenth anniversary of the Live and Picking events to showcase up-and-coming musicians from the city is due to go ahead at the centre in Dunkley Street on Friday, July 21, at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 with Sumwotgrrrl, Skepticism, Tinned Astronait and Road Kill performing.