Fun for all as kids visit Finchfield care home
Memories of hopscotch, skipping and other games and toys were rediscovered by residents at a Finchfield care home when young friends from a primary school visited them.

Six year olds from St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School in Penn enjoyed games of dominoes with residents at The Croft, tried out a kaleidoscope and even met a Sweep glove puppet from television's the Sooty Show.
The event, organised by activity coordinator, Paul Hipwood, was the first time since the COVID pandemic children have been able to visit the residents at the Castlecroft Road home.
He said: “We’ve really missed children being part of life here at The Croft and it was lovely to see everyone having so much fun together.
“It was great for our residents to be able to tell the children all about a time before electronics and tablets, and how they used to play.”
Residents including 84-year-old Peta Wilkinson recounted their memories of playing with a wooden spinning top and Jeanne Evans, aged 93, of skipping,
The event was supported with games of jacks, dominoes and glove puppets, brought to the event by Roy Simmons from family-run Windsor Avenue Toys in Penn.
He said: “We do still sell skipping ropes and hula hoops, but most toys are much more sophisticated these days.
"It was lovely to see the children so engaged at the event and how they loved the traditional toys.
"And it was also great to see the residents’ eyes light up remembering what fun they had playing with them when they themselves were little."