Express & Star

Former wholesale market units in Wolverhampton to be demolished

Two empty industrial units at Wolverhampton’s former wholesale market are set to be demolished.

Last updated
An artist's impression of how the interior of the new wholesale market building in Hickman Avenue, Wolverhampton, will look. Image: Halliday Meecham Architects

Blocks A and B at the site in Hickman Avenue, East Park, will be knocked down as part of plans to clear the land in order for it to be redeveloped into a new ‘mixed use’ complex that will accommodate the city council’s new vehicle fleet services workshop.

The site had been home to the wholesale produce market since 1972.

As well as the newly converted wholesale market and the workshop, it will also provide parking for all associated vehicles, passenger transport parking, storage and shared office space for staff.

The workshop and meals on wheels operation is being relocated from Culwell Street, next to the University of Wolverhampton’s Springfield Campus. The move will clear the site for the first phase of the ongoing Brewers Yard development – 780 new flats alongside retail and commercial units.

A further 110 construction jobs will be created through the move to Hickman Avenue and the council’s carbon footprint will be reduced by 215 tonnes of CO2, supporting its programme to deliver a complete fleet of electric vehicles.

The Hickman Avenue site is directly opposite the locally listed East Park and sits on an industrial estate outside the city centre.

It accommodates the existing wholesale market building and a number of council facilities including passenger transport parking, street lighting, road signs, salt grit, cleaning and catering storage and offices.

The modernisation plans have been developed in consultation with market traders and other existing users of the site.