Express & Star

Plans for wellbeing facility in Wolverhampton backed by councillors

Plans to build a new health and wellbeing facility and homes on the site of a former training centre in Wolverhampton have been rubber-stamped.

A computer generated image of what the new Oxley health & wellbeing facility (pictured right) and homes (pictured left) could look like

The former Oxley Day Training Centre in Probert Road, Oxley, closed down around seven years ago and has been a magnet for anti-social behaviour.

But now the site is set to be demolished and cleared during late spring this year for the health centre and for a mix of 23 housing units across the site.

Councillor Adam Collinge, who represents the area and has been campaigning for a development there, said: "I absolutely welcome this. It's a long-time coming, it's long overdue – it's been shut for seven year and it has been a blight on the local community ever since.

"We should thank the community for their patience along with those who have patrolled the site and repeatedly reported issue after issue. I've been involved with these plans since I was elected and healthcare facilities back in Oxley is absolutely welcome. It's a really positive step – but let's get it done now."

the council has worked with the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board, Oxley Stafford and Probert Road GP surgeries, the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation and the RWT Primary Care Network to develop the scheme.

This will provide improved health and family services with "integrated general medical services", community services, social care and care providers, a base for community nursing teams.

Councillor Bhupinder Gakhal, cabinet member for city assets and housing, said: “This exciting scheme will bring back to life a brownfield site that is no longer in use and will deliver an important community asset.

"Following our successful community events and the engagement workshop with stakeholders, we gained very useful feedback from a cross section of the community.

"The feedback received was instrumental in shaping the design of the Oxley project as it helped identify further opportunities to benefit the community - and we have now reached the major milestone of achieving outline planning permission.

"This new facility will provide invaluable health & wellbeing services for the local community and will also help deliver more and better homes in Oxley."