Second attempt to build large detached home
Plans to build a five-bedroom detached house on a parcel of greenfield land behind properties on a Wolverhampton housing estate have been resubmitted to the council, after first being rejected in 2021.
The triangular piece of land – nestled behind Eccleshall Avenue, Churchfield Road and Beech Road in Oxley – is divided into segments, some of which is used for garages, storage, commercial purposes and the parking of vehicles.
One parcel has been left unattended and is now overgrown, and it is this patch that planning permission is being sought for.
The adjacent garages are also now owned by the applicant. The proposal was initially rejected in November 2021 due to concerns over access to the site and fears that it would lead to increased traffic.
In a report to the council, planning officer Tracey Homfray said: “The land is accessed off Eccleshall Avenue via an existing vehicular/pedestrian access road, whilst the surrounding area is predominantly residential. This is an outline application for one five-bedroom detached dwelling.
“The issues that will require approval are access, layout and scale. Landscaping and appearance are also reserved matters. This is a resubmission of the same application which was refused at planning committee on November 16, 2021, after planners said the proposed access wasn’t adequate enough to support such a development. It has now been resubmitted with some additional detail to address the concerns,”
The council has so far received 32 letters of objection to the plans, citing highway/pedestrian safety, disruption to neighbouring properties, loss of privacy, greenfield not brownfield and onset of further development to other plots as concerns.
The report added: “The application has satisfactorily demonstrated that the development can be accommodated without any significant detriment to the character/appearance of the area, highway/pedestrian safety, neighbouring amenities and wildlife.”
The council’s planning committee is due to make a decision on the application next Tuesday.