Fresh drive launched to bring more investment into Wolverhampton
Economy chiefs in Wolverhampton have launched a fresh drive to bring new developers into the city, with the endorsement of the council’s investment prospectus.
The previous investment prospectus set out a 10-year plan for growth, and included a summary of the significant achievements in the preceding years as well as highlighting the pipeline of investment opportunities.
In recent years there has been significant investment and regeneration in the city, including the new £150 million railway station and transport interchange, the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities creating a second headquarters at i9, and £25 million of Town Deal funding from the government to help deliver transformational schemes in Bilston and Wednesfield.
Deputy council leader Councillor Steve Simkins, member for inclusive city economy, told a cabinet meeting: “It’s really important that we have a vision for investment and we do sing the praises of that vision in our city moving forward – not only to develop, but to regenerate and breathe new life into it.
“It’s a tough time so we need to be on top of our game and this prospectus will allow us to do that. Just to give a bit of background – a study was commissioned in the city centre in 2016 and updated in 2019, and it showed significant changes in the economy. This sets out our ambitions and it’s a whole prospectus, not just for the city centre.
“Once approved it will be made available to the public and investors across the country through our website. It will hold detailed information and specific investment opportunities. The idea is for it to bring more public and private investors into our city.
“We want to know what new investments mean to all our citizens, young and old. The main plank of the prospectus is to draw in new investors and champion what we’re doing here in Wolverhampton, like the big housing development we’ve got going on at the canalside on the other side of the railway,” he added.
“What’s also important is future opportunities for developers that can bring about transformational change. So I’m asking cabinet to endorse the investment, but I also want to hear from private and public sector organisations that want to come into our city and invest. We will work with anyone who wants to share in our vision.”