Express & Star

Deal between Wolverhampton Council and P3 guarantees homeless services for 2023 and beyond

A new deal between Wolverhampton Council and social inclusion charity P3 will guarantee services for the homeless in the city for 2023 and beyond.

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A new homeless services centre named after the late Peter Bilson, Wolverhampton’s former Mayor and Wolverhampton council deputy leader, will be opened in 2023.

Peter Bilson House is among the services on a new contract that goes live on January 1 between the council and P3, which already runs various programmes in Wolverhampton.

The contract creates new partnerships with local organisations to improve existing services and create new ones.

These include The Haven for women and children who have experienced domestic abuse, Changing Lives for people experiencing homelessness and substance misuse and St George’s House for marginalised and vulnerable men.

Peter Bilson House, due to be completed in the spring, is a purpose-built, council-owned building that will be managed by P3.

It will have emergency beds for people to access directly from the streets, plus longer-term places where people can live for up to two years as they work towards securing long-term housing.

The building will also have office space for partner organisations working alongside P3.

Former Mayor of Wolverhampton Peter Bilson

Councillor Bilson, who was a councillor for the Bushbury South and Low Hill ward, was first elected in 1982 and had served Wolverhampton for nearly four decades. He died in 2020.

P3's head of support and community services, Sam Bailey, said: “We are delighted to have the opportunity to develop and strengthen our partnerships with specialist service providers in the city of Wolverhampton and deliver a new P3 service in the city.

“As an organisation we remain committed to continuing our work and ensuring anyone who finds themselves with no home receives an immediate, kind response and the right support. Here at P3 we believe that no one going through a tough time should be left with no other option than to bed down on the streets.”

Wolverhampton Council cabinet member for city assets and housing, Councillor Bhupinder Gakhal, said: "We have a history of strong partnership working when it comes to support for rough sleepers. Nobody in Wolverhampton has to sleep outside or go hungry.

"This contract led by P3 and involving dedicated organisations such as Changing Lives, St George’s Hub and The Haven will build on this to deliver further successful outcomes for some of the city’s most vulnerable people."

Councillor Gakhal added: “Wolverhampton Council and its partners are committed to ensuring no individual feels that they have no choice other than to bed down on the streets, and that anyone who does sleep rough is provided with an immediate response and the appropriate support.”

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