New homes to be built on former garage site in Wolverhampton
Plans to build two new homes on the site of former residential garages in a leafy suburb of Wolverhampton near the city centre have been given the go-ahead.
An application for the new two-storey properties made by Mr Pav Sudera of SS Homes Midlands Ltd was approved by the council this week.
The site, which is currently covered in scrub, is behind houses in Parkdale East and Lower Vauxhall with The Beeches – which is accessed from Tettenhall Road – located at its front. It falls within the Park ward conservation area.
A statement from Spooner Architects, the agents acting on behalf of Mr Sudera, said: “The proposals are to erect two three bedroom dwellings with two car parking spaces for each. These homes are intended to compliment the prevailing character of the area. As work has not yet started in accordance with previous approvals, it has been necessary to reapply for approval.
“These homes will be two storeys in height and match that of the immediate neighbouring property, which is The Beeches. The design of the new buildings echoes the details of the existing properties in the neighbourhood, so this development will fit in well with the area.
“Landscaping will be to the front and rear of the properties to provide amenity space for the occupants of the new dwellings, and will be mainly turf with tree and shrub planting to be approved prior to the start of any building work.”