Express & Star

'Halloween Queen' goes extra mile to help out good cause

A mother from Wolverhampton has gone the extra mile this Halloween to help out a good cause.

Presenting Halloween goodies and hampers to (left) Promise Dreams manager Nikki Yeomans, is Surinder Mann, at Promise Dreams, Wolverhampton

Surinder Mann, also known as the 'Halloween Queen', has set aside her free time to collect and make hampers to donate to charity.

Presenting Halloween goodies and hampers to Promise Dreams manager Nikki Yeomans, (left-right) Suky Man, Surinder Man, and Kiran Man, aged 13, at Promise Dreams, Wolverhampton

Eight of the hampers, featuring a wide range of items including chocolate and flowers, were donated to Promise Dreams, and Surinder donned her Halloween gear to deliver them.

The Wolverhampton-based charity aims to make a difference for children who are seriously or terminally ill, while also helping their families.

She said: "I support a different charity every year and this time I came across Promise Dreams.

"I got in touch and explained I want to fundraise for them. They agreed so from there I contacted local supermarkets and suppliers and got started.

"In total, we made six huge hampers which my family helped put together.

Surinder says getting the hampers together was tougher this year due to the cost of living crisis.

She said: "I have been dressing up as the Halloween Queen for three years now.

"Promise Dreams plan to raffle the hampers off and the money raised will be used to buy things for the children.

"My husband, Suky, and 13-year-old daughter, Kiran, also helped me put them together.

"It was hard this year with the cost of living crisis, I was rejected by quite a few supermarkets.

"I do it out of kindness and generosity, I love to support charities, I find it so rewarding."