New plans for Wolverhampton houses to be converted into flats
Plans to turn two large houses in a deprived area of Wolverhampton into six modern flats have been resubmitted to council bosses after being rejected in August last year.

Conversion of the properties, on Bilston Road, East Park, was turned down on the grounds that their close proximity to the junction with Stowheath Lane could affect highway safety and the free flow of traffic.
Other factors for the decision were given as insufficient car parking allowance and that approving the proposals would constitute over-development of the site.
Applicant Gurjinder Bhella has now submitted an amended version of the plans for consideration by council bosses.
A statement from Tettenhall-based Lewis Architecture Limited, the agents acting on behalf of Mr Bhella, said: “The site is currently occupied by two three-bedroom homes. The area’s character is predominately made up of two-storey terraced houses of mixed styles and periods – usually set back from the main road behind a dwarf wall.
“This proposal is seeking permission to convert the houses into a pair of two bedroom flats and four one-bedroom flats. There are already a number of single-unit apartments along Bilston Road – most recently the addition of Liana Gardens adjacent to the site.
“The plans also allow for enhancements to be made to landscaping with a low-level wall, railings and shrubbery. The site is also within easy walking distance of East Park, providing immediate access to a large public green space,” added the statement.
City council planners will make a decision on the plans in the near future.