Former Wolverhampton housing office to be turned back into a home
A former housing office on a Wolverhampton estate is to be converted into a residential home, with services for local tenants being transferred to a central office.

Plans to turn the redundant Springfield Horseshoe Housing Management Co-operative (HMC) in Burton Road, Heath Town, into a four-bedroom home are set to go before city council bosses next week.
Between 1995 and 2019 the office managed 252 properties for the council, with responsibility for rent collection, repairs and maintenance.
In a report to the council’s cabinet resources panel, which is set to approve the proposal when it meets next Wednesday, housing enabling lead officer Lakhi Sahota said: “In July 2019 a supervision notice was served on Springfield Horseshoe HMC due to performance issues, and following consultation with shareholders, approval was given to wind up the facility and transfer the management functions to Wolverhampton Homes.
“After the notice was served, Wolverhampton Homes supported in the management of the HMC and provided services from the housing office to tenants.
“All the tenants are now permanently managed by Wolverhampton Homes regarding rent, repair and maintenance services and the property is no longer in use as an office.”
The building was originally converted from a two-bedroom terraced house into a housing office in October 1995, with additional ground floor space added in September 2017 to provide a committee meeting room.
The conversion will provide accommodation for a large family who require disabled access with a ground-floor bedroom. The work will cost £110,000 which will be funded through the social housing capital budget.