Express & Star

Proposal to twin Wolverhampton with town in Ukraine

A proposal to twin Wolverhampton with a town or city in Ukraine is to be put to civic chiefs next week, as a way of building on the council’s official pledge of support for the war-torn nation.

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An emergency notice unanimously backing increased aid for the country’s people was passed at a meeting of the city’s full council in March.

The motion put before council read: “The City of Wolverhampton Council stands with and expresses its support for the people of Ukraine and the Ukrainian community in our city following the illegal invasion by the Russian State of the independent democratically-elected sovereign Ukrainian nation state.”

Now city councillor Simon Bennett, deputy leader of the Conservative group, is putting forward a second motion calling for closer ties with Ukraine.

“About four months ago, full council passed a motion expressing its support to Ukraine and the Ukrainian community in Wolverhampton,” he said.

“We had representatives from the Wolverhampton Ukrainian Centre visit the meeting and talk more about their plight. The motion I am bringing to next week’s full council meeting is about building on that and forming a permanent and lasting bond with part of Ukraine.

“There has been a strong connection with Ukraine throughout history, particularly after the Second World War when displaced Ukrainians were integrated into the UK. The UK was also the first nation to recognise Ukrainian independence from the Soviet Union.

“Wolverhampton has shown more recently great support to Ukraine as demonstrated by attendance at rallies, homes being opened to refugees and donations to go to Ukraine.

“I want to see Wolverhampton and the council lead the way by forging a connection with a town or city in Ukraine similar to our own, so that in the immediate future we can offer help and aid, and longer-term assistance with their rebuilding,” he added.

“As home to the National Brownfield Institute, which specialises in modern methods of construction, and with a generous spirit Wolverhampton could play an important part in helping to rebuild part of a country that has faced nothing short of on onslaught for standing up for our shared values of freedom and democracy.”

Full council will meet in Wolverhampton next Wednesday.