Wolverhampton car showroom on main road into city to be demolished
A well-known car showroom on one of the main routes into Wolverhampton city centre is to be demolished and replaced with a more modern building.
The existing Brindley Kia building on the A449 Penn Road will be knocked down before a larger structure housing a parts storage department and more expansive external car display area built in its place.
Permission for the proposals were given the green light by planner at Wolverhampton Council this week.
In a statement submitted alongside the application, Coseley-based architects Design to Build – acting on behalf of Brindley Kia – said: “The premises is located at the junction with Ablow Street and currently consists of a car showroom, parts store and workshop on the ground floor, but also houses redundant second floor offices above the main showroom.
“The company wants to demolish the existing showroom and offices and build a modern single-storey replacement to comply with the current Kia franchise standards for car showrooms – thereby allowing the continuation of the Kia franchise to operate from the site.
“The size of the proposal is in keeping with the existing and surrounding buildings, and will not materially alter the visible scale addressing the street. Also, the landscaped frontage to Penn Road will be retained.
“Access to and within the site will be unaffected by the proposal, with provisions for staff and customer parking continuing,” added the report.