Railway volunteers in Shropshire build up steam in hunt for old station hut
Railway volunteers hope they are on the right 'tracks' when it comes to asking farmers to help them find an old Shropshire station building.

Those who believe that finding a station building would be as simple as walking near the Severn Valley Railway line are mistaken.
The building in question was a corrugated iron hut on the platform at Eardington Station, which would have been used to store goods awaiting collection, such as seed and animal feed ordered by local farms.
Volunteers believe that the ‘tin shed’ was removed from the station which is south of Bridgnorth, probably in the 1950s, and only its foundations now remain.
However, the volunteer group based at Eardington Station think the building may just possibly still exist. Now they have called on local farmers to help with their detective work.
Steve Downs, a volunteer, said: "This type of old railway building was sometimes sold into agricultural use and there’s a slim chance that the Eardington Station building might still survive in the corner of a field somewhere.
‘If any local farmer has an old tin shed that fits the description we’d love to hear from them.
"The hut had corrugated iron walls and door and a curved corrugated iron roof, and would have been similar in size to the more commonly seen old railway wagon bodies."
Anyone with any information is asked to contact Steve on steve.downs@svrlive.com