Express & Star

Tens of thousands of Wolverhampton households will not automatically get council tax rebate

About 48,000 households across Wolverhampton will not automatically receive the £150 council tax rebate they are due in April.

Last updated
Council tax rebates are due in April

The payment was promised by Chancellor Rishi Sunak in response to rising energy bills which are set to sky-rocket when the price cap increases.

All properties in council tax bands A to D are entitled to the £150 payment – announced in February – but only those paying council tax by direct debit will receive it automatically.

But some 48,000 households in the city currently pay council tax manually, meaning they will have to apply to receive the rebate.

These residents either pay their bills by visiting the council’s website every month, make their payments by phone or visit the Civic Centre to pay in person.

Some residents have suggested the government did not account for these households in the rollout of the rebate.

Council bosses in the city have set out a helpful list of Q&A guidelines to assist people who do not pay by direct debit in making their claims. They include:

How do I go about claiming the money back?

An online application form is available at

How can the most vulnerable find out about claiming the money they’re entitled to and how is it being advertised by the council?

This will be promoted via all channels available to Wolverhampton Council including social media, partner community organisations, councillors, distribution networks, resident newsletters and more.

Wolverhampton Civic Centre

Many councils are sending out flyers from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities with information about the rebate, posting it out with all annual council tax bills.

A lot of authorities are also encouraging residents to set up a direct debit so they receive the rebate as quickly as possible – but alternative plans are being put in place.

The Government has confirmed it will cover these administration costs.

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