Council wants to build housing and health centre at old Wolverhampton training centre
A former training centre in Wolverhampton could be demolished under plans to build a new health centre and homes.

Council chiefs are set to back the proposals which will see the vacant Oxley Day Training Centre, on Probert Road, torn down for good.
No planning permission has been applied for but conversations have been held over the council-owned site with health chiefs in the region.
And they have backed the proposed scheme, which will be funded from a mixture of grants and loans, officials have said.
Wolverhampton Council deputy chief executive Mark Taylor said: "This is an ambitious proposal that makes use of a brownfield site that is no longer in use. It will provide invaluable health and wellbeing services for the local community and will also help deliver more and better homes in Oxley."
The council has been working closely with the Black Country and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group, GPs and the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust over the proposals.
The new facility will provide "more integrated working" between primary care, community services, social care and other providers, accommodation for GP practices, a base for district nursing teams and a clinical bookable suite to support the delivery of out of hospital services.
And the residential plan will include an opportunity for key worker housing and affordable living, with a mix of 34 housing units planned across the site, including apartments and town houses.
The proposals will be discussed at a council meeting next week.