Almost £2,000 raised for independent cinema in Wolverhampton
Almost £2,000 has been raised for a popular independent cinema in Wolverhampton after a fundraising campaign was launched last month.

Chiefs behind The Light House Cinema, based in the Chubb Building on Fryer Street, made the move after a tough year amid coronavirus.
It was set up to help bridge a gap in expected income until a series of high-profile events scheduled this year help to "stabilise" the venue.
Now a total of £1,720 has been raised for the site – which has taken a financial hit through coronavirus-related closures and restrictions.
Kelly Jeffs, CEO of the Light House, said in a newsletter: "Our latest crowdfunding campaign is running for a couple more weeks – thank you so much to everyone who has already donated.
"As a registered charity, fundraising is one of our most vital income streams alongside ticket and bar sales.
"Nobody needs reminding about how difficult and uncertain the last couple of years have been for cinemas, but we have many exciting plans for 2022, and your help can make sure we get the year off to the best possible start."
The cinema, which has been in the city for more than 30 years, reopened in June after being forced to close for 15 months due to the restrictions of the pandemic.
A host of events are due to take place at the venue in 2022 including four exhibitions as part of the British Art Show 9, Deaffest 2022, Wolverhampton Literature Festival and the city's first film festival.
The Chubb Buildings will also be home to the latest addition to the Medicine bakery chain, which will increase footfall to the venue.
In 2015, the Light House lost a council subsidy worth £73,000 a year and was on the brink of closure in 2018. It has been kept alive through donations from members of the public.
Information on how to make a donation to the campaign can be found at or at