Customers hit each other with pizza boxes during scramble for food at Wolverhampton Asda
Chicken legs flew and people were hit with pizza boxes as a TikTok video shows scenes turning ugly at a city Asda superstore.

The video by American influencer Nick Alexander, who goes by the name Mr Miami UK, shows customers pushing and shoving each other in front of the reduced price shelves at the Wolverhampton store.
In the 51-second video, which was filmed on Monday, November 15, and has been viewed more than 800,000 times on the video streaming platform, food is seen falling onto the floor as people struggle to get items from the shelves.
There is also a moment where one person puts an empty chicken container on another's head, only to be hit over the head with two pizza boxes.
Mr Alexander is heard commenting on the goings on in as he's filming the events, which then saw shoppers crowding around a customer assistant to grab packets of easy-peeler oranges.
He said he had been shopping in Asda and was alerted to the commotion by his daughter.

He said: "I was walking towards the checkout with my shopping when my daughter told me to look over, so I looked and saw a crowd of people who were starting to get very aggressive with each other.
"That's what made me get my phone out to video it as when I saw it, I was wondering what the heck was going on today and what are people trying to get to.
"I just thought it was crazy what was going on and I was trying to capture the scene of what was going on with how people were acting."

Mr Alexander said the video has more than 58,000 likes and said lots of people had been reaching out to him to try and buy the video from him.
He said he thought the video was a good example of people being greedy and not thinking about what they actually need.
He said: "I don't think it's even a matter of people needing to get the stuff as it's not a big difference to what it's priced as normally.

"It's just a few pence off and you probably only save a little bit, but those people clearly really want to save some money."
"One thing I have noticed is the power my videos are starting to have, so this might be another example of that."
Asda has been contacted for comment.