Teenager becomes one of youngest ever to join Wolverhampton Youth Council
A teenager, who aims to become a corporate law barrister, has been elected as one of the youngest members of Wolverhampton Youth Council.

Kareena Thumber, who attends St Peters Collegiate School, who is only 13, will be among 75 council members.
She hopes to make important changes in schools throughout the area and particularly help pupils with dyslexia and autism.
Kareena has also been chosen to make a presentation on equality and diversity to the headteacher and senior management team at her school.
She said: “I feel very happy and excited to be elected to the Youth Council and get to voice my ideas and be part of a dialogue for change.
“My friends have said that they believe I will be really good for the role.
"I am going to be with a lot of young people and trying to make a change on environmental issues and other things in school as well as to help promote equality and diversity.
“We will also be talking about global issues and fundraising to try to help the local community with such things as recycling.”
Sarah Thumber, Kareena’s 37-year-old mother, said: “We are very proud of her achievements.
“She will be taking part in discussions designed to help make changes for the better in local schools.”