Grants launched to help groups working with vulnerable people
A new grant scheme is hoping to help charities working with some of the most vulnerable people.

The Small Grants Scheme is a partnership initiative by City of Wolverhampton Rotary Club and the James Beattie Charitable Trust which aims to provide grants to charities and organisations across the city.
The fund of £10,000 can be accessed by voluntary, community and social enterprise groups, working in the community to overcome problems arising from deprivation, poverty, disability and lack of opportunity.
Rotary president Brian Bailey said the idea for the grant scheme had emerged in conversations about how to use Rotary resources.
He said: “We thought that rather than wait for people to come to us requesting funds, we decided to go out and seek where we can apply the monies to the most needy.
“We’ve followed the example of the club in Ludlow and used their idea to convert our ethos and thoughts into something practical.”
Mr Bailey said the criteria for what could be funded was wide open and all bids would be looked at, with grants of between £250 and £750 available.
He said the club had seen the impact of Covid-19 on its own ability to raise funds, with a number of its funding opportunities being closed down due to the virus.
Contact between January 20 and March 10.