Tributes to 'generous' milkman as he rides cart on farewell journey
His name was Kieron, and he rode the fastest milk cart in the West (Midlands).

Much-loved Wombourne milkman Kieron Moss took his final journey yesterday when his funeral was held at Gornal Crematorium.
Residents lined the streets and raised their pints of milk and glasses of whiskey as his milk float carried his coffin. It was driven by long-time colleague and friend Mark Tune, with Kieron's sons Daniel and Jon sat beside him.
Wolves fan Kieron had been delivering milk in Wombourne since the age of 15, running his own company, K.A Moss Ltd, for many years. He died suddenly at home on December 15. He had only been delivering milk the day before. He is survived by wife Janet as well as his sons and grandsons.
With current Covid-19 restrictions meaning only 16 were allowed to attend Kieron's funeral, friends and family felt it was fitting that people paid tribute as best they could.
Nigel "Maz" Crew, who met Kieron at Highfields School aged 11 and remained close pals with him ever since, said: "There were loads of people in the street. It's a wonder the police didn't come. It was unbelievable. We saw people we hadn't seen for years. We've been crying, thinking about how much he would have loved to have seen it.
"As we went past, there were people standing there with pints of milk, but most had glasses of whiskey. He liked a drink. We got in so much trouble together.
"People couldn't believe he'd died. They said they'd only seen him the day before."
Maz shared a poignant tale of Kieron's generosity, and thanked Wombourne Funeral Services for helping facilitate his special farewell.
"One of the stories I told was about when him and Janet used to go to Thailand. They got to know people when they went on holiday there and used to go to a local bar. In 2004 when the Tsunami happened, the bar was washed away. Kieron and Janet held a collection, which they probably put a lot of the money in, and donated it so they could rebuild the bar.
"He liked the Wolves but his main hobby was drinking. He went to The Green Man pub in Swindon. They are putting up a plaque on the bar to remember him.
"Wombourne Funeral Home was absolutely brilliant. They knew him as well. We put metal cleats in the back of the van to hold the coffin down and laid green astroturf.
"He was a lovely, happy, generous bloke." Donations were made to Midlands Air Ambulance.