Paving concerns after shoppers fall in Wednesfield High Street
A worried high street trader is calling for urgent repairs to loose and uneven paving stones in a Wolverhampton High Street after repeated incidents of shoppers tripping over and seriously injuring themselves.

Max McEvoy, who runs Juicy Fruits in Wednesfield High Street, said he is growing increasingly concerned about the pavements outside his shop after seeing a growing number of people – many elderly – suffering nasty falls.
The matter has been reported to the city council by ward councillor Jacqui Coogan, but Mr McEvoy said he was fearful more shoppers would be badly injured unless work isn’t carried out soon.
“There have been lots of people tripping up in the High Street for quite some time now. The first woman that I was aware of falling over got really badly hurt,” he said.
“The ambulance was there for at least an hour before they went to the hospital. And that lady’s injuries could be life changing in years to come.
“There are loose and uneven paving stones up and down the street, which are extremely dangerous. This was an accident waiting to happen.
“I’ve heard so many reports of people tripping on these stones. It happened again to someone else just last week, which I find quite shocking.
“The High Street is struggling enough already without more of our regular loyal shoppers taking nasty falls. People are getting hurt and potentially being put off coming here to shop,” he added.
“I have reported the issue several times via the council’s ‘Report It’ app but so far have not heard anything back. I don’t think it’s a big job. There’s probably about 100 loose tiles in total, so it’s not the biggest job in the world.”
Following Mr McEvoy’s plea, residents took to social media to report their own experiences of tripping and falling in the High Street.
Posting on the Wednesfield Village Alliance Facebook page, Maggie Jevon said: “I had a really nasty fall in August outside the back of the ExtraCare charity shop due to the brick block paving being uneven.
“I had to have eight stitches and I’m still not 100 per cent recovered after more than three months. Someone will be killed one of these days.”
Kerry Dwight added: “I helped an elderly gentlemen who had a fall and smacked his face on the ground. It’s terrible.
“Also, the kerbs by the bus stop next to Savers are way too high. People don’t realise how high they are and trip up on them.”
Linda Storr said: “An elderly lady from Abbeyfield House retirement home, who walks with a frame on wheels, had to cross over the road and then go back again on her way home from church, as she couldn’t negotiate the cobbles on the Wetherspoons pub side.”
Margaret Rock posted: “I had a nasty fall picking my granddaughter up from Wood End School. We reported it, but it’s still the same.”
Robert Varndell said: “I tripped up just outside the Nationwide Building Society. I was OK but felt shook up.”
Other similar posts included one from Vic Justicia, whose mother broke her arm after falling, and Karla Lunnon who also reported tripping over a loose paving stone recently.
Teresa Cluett-Cooper added: “It comes to something when it needs an accident to happen before something is done.”
Local resident Chris Hopkins wrote to Wolverhampton North East MP Jane Stevenson to highlight the problem and received a written response.
A letter from Ms Stevenson’s Senior Parliamentary Assistant Ellis Turrell said: “As you may know, the regeneration of Wednesfield High Street is one of Jane’s top priorities.
“The Government recently gave Wolverhampton £1 million for capital works such as new paving, lighting and other cosmetic improvements. This grant has to be spent within this financial year, so quite quickly.
“Jane has secured a portion of this specifically for Wednesfield, but it is down to the council to spend it.
“She held a meeting with the council and local traders in Wednesfield so that people could have their say on how the money should be spent, and what Wednesfield wants to see.
“Jane has emphasised that new paving should be included in the spending, as it clearly is unsafe and needs addressing. The local councillors were also at the meeting, and hopefully the feedback has been taken on board by them too,” added the letter.
Councillor Jacqui Coogan who represents Wednesfield South said: “The matter is in hand and I have reported it three times now.
“Council officers and staff currently have their hands full, with many having been redeployed to completely different jobs.
“All repairs are subject to extra risk assessments because of Covid-19 and a busy High Street is hardly ideal for social distancing.”