Express & Star

Wolverhampton house to be turned into residential care home

A semi-detached house is to be converted into a care home for adults with learning difficulties.

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The house in Linthouse Lane which is set to become a care home. PIC: Stephen Symonds

White Lily Care Ltd has had permission granted for its proposal for the property in Linthouse Lane in Wolverhampton by council planners.

It will cater for four adults, aged between 18 and 65, with the aim of providing them with therapy and support in an environment as close to a traditional home as possible.

In its application, the company said the facility will help meet a growing need for services, set out in Wolverhampton Council’s own adult social care annual report for 2017-18.

In that report, it was estimated there will be rise of the number of adults with mental health disorders by 14 per cent over the next six years. The number of people aged over 18 with learning difficulties will rise by 2.3 per cent in the same period.

White Lily Care said that, given this and the growing need for care homes for the elderly, the proposal would be beneficial to the city.

Architect Stephen Symonds said: “White Lily Care Ltd would aim to provide the adults residing at the property with an environment as close as possible to a traditional home.

“They would cook and eat meals together, socialise with each other and help with the daily chores.

“They would each have their own bedroom, but would share other facilities in the home such as the lounge and bathroom.

“Despite it being a semi-detached dwelling the level of activity generated from the four adults in residence – who are in supervised care – would be little different, and potentially more contained, than that of a normal family.

“The proposal delivers specialist housing for those in need of care, in a highly accessible location satisfying the day-to-day needs of the residents.”