Express & Star

Wolverhampton MP Stuart Anderson moves into new community office

MP Stuart Anderson has finally moved into his new constituency office post-lockdown.

Stuart Anderson

The Wolverhampton South West MP had planned to move into the Chapel Ash building in spring this year but coronavirus put those plans on hold.

He said he wanted a space where he and the team could comfortably talk to residents who needed to raise serious issues.

Mr Anderson said: “We took the office on pre-Covid-19 but then we couldn’t move in when lockdown happened.

“Our team is in now and socially distanced, but we’re not yet in a place where we can invite people in. But, slowly, we can do this soon.” He added: The reason we chose Chapel Ash is because we wanted to be at the heart of the community.

“Sometimes people don’t know where their MPs are or how they can contact them, so we wanted to be easily accessible. We can have surgeries in there, meetings, and it can also be a place for emergencies.

“Before, we’ve been in a library and someone has broken down crying or needed privacy for a serious issue.

“They need private space or they might not even approach us to begin with as they don’t want to go into a library. This way we have privacy.”

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