Vets team saves poorly kittens dubbed the Peaky Blinders
Five extremely sick kittens had a lucky escape after being rescued and nursed back to health by a dedicated team of veterinary nurses.

Stray Cat Rescue Team in the West Midlands, initially collected the kittens from a garden in Birmingham, where they also found two more kittens that had already died.
The five surviving kittens were immediately taken to White Cross Vets in Wolverhampton, where it was discovered they had severe cat flu and were struggling to breathe, had no appetite and ulcerated eyes.
The White Cross team dubbed them the Peaky Blinders and named them Tommy, Polly, Ada, Grace and May, after leading characters in the hit TV series.

Rosie Levene-Barry, clinic director at White Cross Vets, said: “Stray Cat Rescue Team couldn’t find any available foster homes and it would be very difficult for one person to look after all five, so three of our registered veterinary nurses, Jo, Danni and Sioned, volunteered to split the group and take them home.
"This meant they benefitted from 24-hour critical care, which included nebulising regularly to support breathing, administering medication and bottle feeding, as they weren’t eating by themselves.
“May and Tommy were particularly ill, and we had doubts over whether they would survive the first night.
"It was a heart-breaking scenario.
“Thankfully though, with the team’s hard work and commitment, they are all now doing brilliantly well and thriving. We are so proud of our resilient Peaky Blinders that we haven’t been able to let them go.
“Polly now lives with Jo, Tommy lives with our receptionist Laura, Sioned kept May and Ada and Grace have stayed with Danni, so they can now all enjoy the lives they deserve in the loving care of our fabulous team.”