Express & Star

Trouble-hit shop in Wolverhampton applies for new licence

A corner shop located in an area that has a history of anti-social behaviour, street drinking and drug-misuse, has applied for a new licence.

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The shop on Newhampton Road West in Wolverhampton

Euro Food & Drink, located in Whitmore Reans in Wolverhampton, has previously been the subject of investigations by trading standards bosses in the city for selling illegal tobacco.

In his application, Mr Ari Mohammed Said said he was currently trading as a European shop and wished to specialise in selling Bulgarian and Romanian goods and alcohol alongside other specialised products.

However, due to its location, Newhampton Road West shop falls within one of the city’s designated Cumulative Impact Zones (CIZ) – meaning that the surrounding area has a large concentration of licensed premises, which puts it at higher risk in terms of upholding the four required licensing objectives.

This has raised a number of concerns from Trading Standards, Public Health, licensing bosses and West Midlands Police.

Trading Standards said the shop had a history of selling illegal tobacco dating back to 2015.

In a report to the council, Trading Standards Tobacco Control Officer Dianne Slack said: "Trading Standards as a responsible authority wishes to object against this application."

Elaine Moreton, Licensing Authority Section Leader, added: "The premises has previously held a premises licence for a number of years and during this time there have been a number of changes to the management of the premises.

"In September 2015 the premises licence was reviewed and the Licensing Sub-Committee resolved to revoke the licence.

"Following the revocation, there have been three attempts by three sole traders to licence the premises. Each application has been submitted via the same agent, Mr Patrick Burke of PMB Licensing.

"Throughout this application there is insufficient information within the operating schedule to show how the applicant will address all four licensing objectives and not add to the existing cumulative impact.

"It appears that the applicant/agent has given no regard to the Statement of Licensing Policy prior to submitting this application," she said.

Pc Michelle Churm, from West Midlands Police’s Partnerships and Licensing Department, said there was no mention of the premises being within the CIZ on the application form, and that they were currently conducting mediation with the consultant acting on behalf of the applicant.

A further report to licensing bosses from Health Improvement Officer Amy Baker on behalf of Public Health also raised concerns.

In it she said: "Alcohol-related hospital admissions in the Park ward, where the application is situated, continue to be a concern to public health. Hospital admissions are worse than the city average with a value of 462 per 100,000.

“The applicant has not, in the opinion of Public Health, identified enhanced measures or referenced the CIZ within the operating schedule. This raises significant concerns.

"Public Health object against the licence application on the basis it falls within a Cumulative Impact Zone and undermines the licensing objectives," she added.

Wolverhampton Council’s Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee will discuss the application during an online meeting next Thursday.

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