Florist gears up for half-marathon in memory of stepfather
A kind-hearted florist is preparing to run the Birmingham Half Marathon in October in memory of a close relative.

Nichola Daly, who owns Flowercraft in Chapel Ash with her mum Julie Daly, 55, started the fundraiser after her stepfather, Barry John, passed away aged 57 from a prolonged illness caused by diabetes.
He had previously worked as a post man with Royal Mail, a steward at the Molineux and a taxi driver.
Nichola, 28, from Wombourne, is hoping to run the half-marathon later this year - providing Government advice on Covid-19 allows it to take place - and will be fundraising for Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation.
As well as donations from family and friends, Nichola and her mum have decided that £1 from every order at the florists which is more than £30 will be donated to the charity.
She said: "Barry became a granddad to my little one Millie just before lockdown so he got to meet her.
"I wanted to do something in his memory and to raise funds for the charity.

"The family have all been so supportive of me and what I'm doing, I just need to start the training now."
Although Nichola is part of Dudley Ladies Running Club this will be the first time she has ever attempted a run of this length.
She added: "I know I can run three miles, but I'm not sure about 13 just yet!
"Dudley Ladies Running Club have are the most supportive bunch of ladies and if it wasn't for them I would have never of imagined doing a half marathon."
Originally, Nichola wanted to raise £350, but smashed that target within 24 hours of the fundraiser going live.
She is now hoping to raise £1,000 for the diabetes charity, to donate to her appeal visit her JustGiving web page.