Express & Star

New deal agreed for Gatis Community Space in Wolverhampton

Two new pieces of land have been handed to a community group in Whitmore Reans aimed at sprucing up the area.

Gatis Community Space

Volunteers from Acts of Random Caring, formerly known as Gatis Gardeners, have transformed the Gatis Community Space under a short-term ease.

Now they will receive a 35-year rent free deal from Wolverhampton Council – along with adjoining land – as the group bid to develop it for community use.

They will also continue to run the original plot, community building and forest area – along with several activities.

Councillor Jacqueline Sweetman, cabinet member for city assets and housing, said: "We have worked closely with the Acts of Random Caring leadership team to enable this community asset transfer to take place.

"It is an excellent example of a community-led organisation developing a surplus council asset and retaining it for use within the community.

"The full business case they have put forward means the long-term future of this community enterprise is secure and will provide an invaluable contribution to the local area.

"I am looking forward to seeing the centre build on its popularity over the coming years."

The longer lease term will help the organisation when bidding for further grant funding to continue its transformation of the site.

Act of Random Caring is run by volunteers and supported by a small management team.

Director Maria Billington said: "We are delighted that the council has been able to approve the additional requests on the transfer especially during these difficult times.

"The team has gone from strength to strength over the past five years and the additional space and increase in lease length will allow us to develop our ideas and work with a wider range of funders to enable us to support our community.

"Our aim is to provide a safe and inclusive centre that puts community at the heart of its diverse projects. Empowering people to be a better version of themselves. Enabling change to a sustainable future."

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