Express & Star

New appointments made to Wolverhampton Council's cabinet

Two councillors have been appointed to Wolverhampton Council's cabinet as part of the city's response to coronavirus.

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Wolverhampton Council

Councillor Jacqueline Sweetman will head up housing in the city, with Councillor Steve Simpkins in charge of governance.

Council leader Ian Brookfield said he had acted quickly to fill the vacant posts to make sure their areas were covered.

"It is of paramount importance that our cabinet plays a leading role during these testing times," said Councillor Brookfield.

"Both of these roles were vacant with me and deputy leader, Councillor Louise Miles, covering the portfolios in the interim.

"However, all cabinet portfolios require a dedicated member to fulfil the role and to this end, I have taken the decision to appoint to these positions.

"I am sure that with the knowledge, skills and experience that both councillors bring, they will fulfil these roles with distinction."

Councillor Sweetman, who has represented the Graiseley ward for 10 years, will be the cabinet member for city assets and housing.

She takes over from Peter Bilson, a "giant of local politics", who passed away last month after a period of illness.

She said: "I have a deep commitment to Wolverhampton. We have a history of adapting this city to meet the needs of the future, ensuring ongoing success for the people of Wolverhampton and I am proud to be part of that process."

Councillor Simpkins, who represents Bilston East, will be the cabinet member for governance – having previously served as a shadow cabinet, and then cabinet member, for leisure between 2008 and 2010.

He takes over from Councillor Sandra Samuels OBE, who stepped down from her front-bench role last year.

“This opportunity to serve as cabinet member for governance is an important one to ensure that people’s concerns and voice are heard and implemented in policy to benefit all in this great city of ours. I will be fully committed to getting the very best for all our citizens," said Councillor Simpkins.