Express & Star

Conference in Wolverhampton to give voice to elderly

A major appeal for Wolverhampton’s 41,000 older residents to talk about their fears of loneliness, isolation, money worries and other common everyday problems has gone out from the council this week.

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Wolverhampton Council

A specialist conference aimed at addressing everyday worries faced by people aged over 55 has been arranged by the Wolverhampton’s Equality and Diversity Partnership.

It will take place in the council chamber at the Civic Centre tomorrow between 11am and 1pm.

The meeting is the first of its kind in the city designed to give a voice to the older generation, allowing them to discuss topics including health and social care, transport, housing, crime reduction, income, pensions, leisure and to find out what help is available to them.

Councillor Linda Leach, Wolverhampton Council’s cabinet member for adult services, said: “We want to enable older residents to live as full and independent a life as possible, and I would encourage them to come along to this event and share their thoughts and feelings on a range of issues, and what it’s like to be an older person living in Wolverhampton.”

Wolverhampton has around 41,000 residents aged 65 and over, and in the next 20 years it is predicted the number of people aged 70 and over will rise by 25.3 per cent – while the number of people aged 80 and over will jump by 62.5 per cent.

Councillor Anwen Muston, founder member of the Wolverhampton Equality and Diversity Partnership, said: “We want to listen to the views of older people in the city and support them to engage in the decision making process, and this event is a first step in creating a stronger coordinated voice for the older people of Wolverhampton.

“We will also be supporting the development of an Older People’s Forum which will enable effective consultation, host meetings on a range of topics and provide an opportunity for people to get together on a regular basis.”

Fellow Wolverhampton Equality and Diversity Partnership member, Dr Sadhu Singh MBE, said: “I would like to see Wolverhampton become a city for all ages.

"Community elders need to come and discuss solutions regarding care homes and we need to explore and discuss roles in which faith organisations play in the care and health of older communities.”

Tickets for the event are free and can be booked online at Eventbrite or by telephoning 01902 313052.