Express & Star

How proposed new homes on Northicote School site could look

This is what a new housing estate featuring almost 200 homes could look like if planners approve an ambitious proposal to redevelop an old Wolverhampton school site.

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An artist's impression of how the proposed homes on the former Northicote School in Bushbury Wolverhampton could look like. PIC: Accord Housing design and access

WV Living has submitted an application to build 196 properties on the site of the former Northicote School, which was demolished last year having been closed since 2014.

In 2011, Northicote merged with Pendeford Business and Enterprise College to become the North East Wolverhampton Academy and now operates from the former Pendeford campus.

If approved, the development will see 70 two-bedroom, 76 three-bedroomed and 50 four bedroom homes in the estate. A total of 49 of these will be kept as ‘affordable’ social rental properties.

Each property will be built off-site at Accord Housing’s timber frame factory, LoCal Homes, in Walsall with a view of making them more environmentally friendly.

The artist’s impressions, featured in WV Living’s application to the authority, show what these modern properties could look like.

The application also stated that two community engagement sessions were held prior to the plans being submitted with many people supporting the scheme.

But the proposal has also drawn some criticisms from people concerned about the impact the new development would have on existing roads and facilities.

The planning statement said: “Views in favour of the proposal included support for new housing needed in the area, particularly affordable property, locational advantages given the adjacent park, together with the jobs and skills that would be encouraged by the work

“The greatest areas of concern were around infrastructure and increased traffic.

“Other issues raised are stated as lack of, or additional pressure on infrastructure; GPs and schools; details of design and road layout; parking; and loss of trees.”

Nearby resident Michelle Webster said: “I object to the idea of having a road to the houses right next to the park boundary, as I fear the noise and air pollution will damage people’s enjoyment of the park.

“I would like to see a green pathways (for pedestrians / cyclists) from one side of the new estate to the other and ideally also a new entrance from the estate straight into the park, so that people from other estates are able to walk through the new estate and the estate becomes more quickly part of the local community.

“I object to the amount of trees that are going to have to be knocked down to build these houses, given that right now our planet needs more trees to be planted.

“I do not object to the land where the school previously stood being turned into housing, I understand that more housing is needed, but do feel that this housing should not be built at the expense of local wildlife.

“Surely the plan could be modified to allow more existing trees to remain in place?”