Express & Star

Wolverhampton's Forbidden Planet on shortlist for comic book shop award

A comic book shop in the centre of Wolverhampton has been nominated for an award.

Kyle Wright and Alex Bowden celebrate at Forbidden Planet in Wolverhampton

Forbidden Planet, on Victoria Street, was chosen by magazine ComicScene UK as one of six stores in the shortlist for best comic shop in the UK and Ireland.

It came as the store celebrated Halloween Comicfest 2019 by handing out special edition comic books which had been printed for the occasion.

Issues of Iron Man, Spider-Man, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ghost Rider, Lady Mechanika, Star Wars, Pokemon and Archie were given out to visitors.

The event is part of two held throughout the year – with the other being free comic book day in May.

Assistant manager Mike Walpole said: "It started in America and there was a lot of word of mouth about it.

"They publish special comics especially for the day and we've handed out quite a few issues – they're like sample ones.

"We usually o events and we had a quiz with a goody bag prize as well."

Worlds Apart in Birmingham have also been nominated for the award.

Kyle Wright, who works at the store, said: "It's great because there's lots of comic shops in the UK and to get recognised is great.

"A few of our stores are on there, including Worlds Apart in Birmingham and they're big on their comics.

"We've got a lot of shops and it's good to be amongst those.

"We're trying to make the most of it."

People can vote for the store by emailing comicsflix@gmail and including category number one and the store.