Trio of sporting legends entertain at Wolverhampton Lawn Tennis & Squash Club
A trio of sporting legends entertained an audience of more than 200 at a sporting dinner held at Wolverhampton Lawn Tennis & Squash Club.

Former rugby stars Jonathan Davies and George Chuter provided plenty of insight and humour as they took the audience through their careers, assisted by host, former England cricket captain Chris Cowdrey on September 12.
The Newbridge-based club had erected a marquee on their grass courts for the event, which was then followed 48 hours later by their Big Ball attended by more than 400 guests.
“It was a great night, with Jonathan, George and Chris all providing some excellent stories and anecdotes to keep us entertained,” said WLTSC chairman John Hollingsworth.
“It was a really successful event, not just for our members to enjoy, but also because we were able to welcome so many new faces as well as businesses from the local area.
“We are confident that we have a really exciting story to tell here at WLTSC, a club with a diverse membership promoting the positive effects of health and fitness in so many different ways.
“Staging events such as this, and linking up with new corporate partners, is something we would really like to develop and expand on in the future.
“I would just like to thank Jonathan, George and Chris, and everyone else involved, for the organisation of such a fantastic event.”