Wolverhampton transport review 'could affect city families'
The introduction of charges on transport services for people with special educational needs or disabilities could affect hundreds of Wolverhampton families if given the go-ahead.
The city council is currently reviewing a number of new options in an overhaul of the services – some of which include reducing pick-up and drop-off points to a single destination and introducing a fixed charge fee for people of sixth-form age.
At present the borough provides travel for around 750 pupils, the majority of whom have special educational needs or disabilities, along with 70 vulnerable adults.
Nearly all of these are transported by coach, minibus or taxi, but in recent years the council says it has received feedback suggesting many people feel they would benefit from being given more choice in the way they travel.
The council’s Conservative Leader Councillor Wendy Thompson said: “I do have concerns in this area. Any changes should be made in full co-operation with the schools and never to the detriment to any individual.”
“What is really important here is that we have a proper discussion and look at all the options available.
“As a council, and across all parties, we have always been very caring and supportive to the provision of special needs and will continue to work towards making the best decision possible.”
In a report to members, Education and Skills spokesman Councillor Mike Hardacre said: “Unfortunately, councils are operating in a time of unprecedented pressure on finances and here in Wolverhampton we need to make savings of over £27 million between 2020-21.
“During the medium-term the budget shortfall is forecast to reach between £40-50 million.
“The needs of our community have changed over the last decade with the demand for travel among pupils with special educational needs and disabilities expected to increase by 13 per cent between now and 2025-2026.
“This means that the council has no option but to review every pound we spend to ensure resources are being used in the most efficient and effective way possible.”
The plans set out include introducing a combined single policy for all ages; a personalised assessment process; charges for young people of sixth form age receiving transport unless there are exceptional circumstances; the removal of automatic eligibility to travel assistance through using placements; providing transport only from a single address unless there are exceptional circumstances; a review of the application and appeals process and three options for a more consistent application of the the current policy.
Councillor Hardacre said: “The council currently spends approximately £3.4 million on Education and Adult Social Care transport – £2.7 million of which is transport for education.
“The ‘Delivering Independent Travel Programme Board’ is aiming to increase the efficiency of providing travel assistance without compromising the service. An ‘all age travel policy’ would allow for this.”