Shopping centres prepare to do battle in charity football match
It's a local derby with a difference as two shopping centres go head to head in a special charity football match.

Staff from the Mander Centre in Wolverhampton will take on their counterparts from Telford Shopping Centre tonight.
The game between to two centres has been organised to raise money for the Promise Dreams charity and will take place at Goals in Bilston.
It is the first time a charity football match has been held between the two centres and both teams have been training hard for the event.
The winners will claim a trophy but it is perhaps pride that is most at stake with the team from Telford hoping to take the bragging rights back over the border to Shropshire.
And the losers might need to do some shopping of their own - in the transfer market.
The charity match came about after Mander Centre manager Richard Scharenguivel laid down the challenge to the team at Telford.
He said: "Both centres have been training hard. Friendly rivalry and a battle of the two shopping centre locations."