Suicide rate in Wolverhampton highest among men
More than 80 per cent of Wolverhampton people who took their own lives were men, new figures have revealed.

A report to Wolverhampton Council’s health scrutiny panel sets out the alarming statistics and the suicide prevention work being carried out.
It states that between 2015-17, there were 66 deaths registered as suicides and, of these, 54 – or 82 per cent – were male. In 2017, there were 25 suicides while in 2015 and 2016 there 20 and 21 respectively.
The report also says that the rate has been generally on a downward trend over the past 15 years, although there were fluctuations in some years. The highest number of suicides recorded in that period was 35 in 2005.
Health bosses say the Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum (SPSF), set up in 2015 and made up of a number of partners in the city, has an action plan to identify most vulnerable people and implement initiatives aimed at prevention.
The newly elected city Mayor Councillor Claire Darke has selected SPSF as one of her chosen charities for this municipal year.
The report said: “In line with the national strategy and various pieces of research and data there are a number of groups who are at higher risk of suicide ideation.
“Groups that are at increased risk are highlighted within the local action plan. For example, men make up over three quarters of suicide across the city.
“The plan therefore identifies the need to do more with men. This may take the form of targeted campaigns, engaging with partners to influence their activity and training/raising awareness amongst professionals.
“Similarly, refugees and migrants, and LGBT community are identified as being at increased risk, which is reflected in the local action plan.
“SPSF has been working with Kaleidoscope Plus Group and Compton Care to establish bereavement support. Both groups are now running bereavement support services, with Kaleidoscope providing suicide bereavement specifically.
“Organisations are being encouraged to provide the Help Is At Hand resource to anyone they engage who has been bereaved by suicide.
“Organisations such as the police and part of Children Services have, or are in the process of, starting to use this resource.
“The suicide prevention web-page within the Wolverhampton Information Network (WIN) also offers information on bereavement support.”
It added: “The forum is also working with the charity arm of Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club by linking into the ‘Heads For Health’ project.
“This project has been funded through premier league funding with contributions made by the City of Wolverhampton Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group.
“The initiative works specifically with men with the aim to improve mental well-being.
“Through the forum connecting with Head For Health the project also now includes messages of suicide prevention, with plans to introduce suicide safety planning in the near future.”