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Five fire crews battle Wolverhampton Eye Infirmary blaze

Firefighters from across the Black Country have tackled a fire at a dilapidated eye infirmary in Wolverhampton.

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Firefighters tackle the blaze. Photo: @WMFS_PICS

Around 23 firefighters fought the blaze at the site in Compton Road, which has stood empty for more than 10 years.

Nearby Merridale Road was closed at around 11pm as five fire engines were sent to douse the flames in the four-storey building, which closed in 2007.

A spokesman for West Midlands Fire Service said: "We received a call at 10.36pm yesterday evening. It was a 999 call to Compton Road in Merridale.

"We sent five appliances to the scene – four fire engines and one brigade response vehicle.

"The incident involved a fire in a four-storey tower of a disused eye infirmary.

"We had three main water jets on the blaze and about 23 firefighters at the scene.

"Good progress was made once we started tackling the fire.

"We still have one crew at the scene, making sure the fire does not flare up again. We left at 12.34am."

"There will be an inspection carried out in daytime hours.

"Investigations are ongoing."

It comes during a dispute between Wolverhampton Council and The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust which owns the site.

The two authorities are currently in a court battle over an enforcement notice served following allegations the NHS trust had failed to keep the site in a reasonable condition.

In court it was revealed how the council had offered £1 to buy the site, having previously made bids of up to £1.1 million.