Range Rover crash closes Wolverhampton city-centre road
A city-centre road was closed in Wolverhampton after a crash involving a Range Rover and a council lorry.

Broad Street was blocked off by police for two hours after the crash happened at around 12.45pm.
A stretch of the street, which connects Princes Square and the ring road, was cordoned off with police tape outside The Slade Rooms and Rileys.

The crash left a burgundy Range Rover with major damage to its front end, while a Wolverhampton Council lorry parked outside The Slade Rooms was also damaged and a bollard was knocked over.
A West Midlands Police spokesman confirmed the road was closed after the force was called at 12.45pm. It was reopened at around 2.45pm.
Buses were diverted while police investigated the incident and the vehicles were recovered.
Nobody is believed to have been injured in the crash.