'We'd dread the weekend coming': Residents dismay as pub bids to reopen
A former pub’s application for a new premises licence has sparked a raft of objections from residents in Wolverhampton – who say they ‘dread the weekend coming’ fearing noise and anti-social behaviour from the venue.
The Harp Inn in Eastfield is seeking a permit from the city council to reopen, selling alcohol on and off the premises, provide late-night refreshments and allow the playing of live and recorded music.
The trouble-plagued pub closed after a knife attack in 2014 but then reopened later in 2016 as the Mississauga Club. But following repeated incidents of violence it shut again.
Now a new licence application has been put forward to the city council to reopen again as The Harp.
However, a signed petition from residents in the East Park ward objecting to the plan has already been received by planners.
In it, those living near to the pub have voiced their fears over the application.
A letter states: “We as residents have had quite enough of the anti-social behaviour that comes out of the pub, with people shouting, screaming, fighting and cars racing down the road playing loud music.
“As for the last licensee that took over, we believe they only had the licence to open until 2.30am but they were still open until at least 5am every weekend. We have quite a small community so you could hear the music all night through to the early hours of the morning.
“We understand that people have to make a living, but why should it have to be at our expense? A lot of residents work shifts and have to get up early during the weekend. It gets to a point where you dread the weekend coming.
“This pub is not ever used by locals because it’s being run basically as a nightclub. We are also quite frightened of the people the pub is attracting to the area because only a few years ago a doorman was stabbed in the early hours of the morning.”
The letter goes on: “The police have told us about the concerns they have about this pub and the people that use it.
“Residents have had damage done to their cars and we’ve had to clear glass bottles, beer cans and and broken glass off our gardens and paths on a regular basis.
” We do hope the council look into our concerns.”
The application has been submitted to the council by Angela Primrose Bent, following consultation with the Licensing Authority, Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Social Services, Public Health and West Midlands Police and Fire Services.
Both Ms Primrose Bent and those residents objecting to the plans have been invited to attend the hearing.
Wolverhampton Council’s Licensing Sub-Committee is set to discuss the application next week.