Wolves footballer leads call for city half marathon volunteers
Volunteers are needed for this year's Wolverhampton Half Marathon, and star footballer Danny Batth has stepped in to lend a hand.

Mary Harding, chairman of the marathon committee and race director, is keen to recruit as many helpers as she can.
Volunteers are needed to help with the 10k run, cycling events, a walk in the park and mini-marathon, as well as the 13.1-mile race.
The day’s events, held at West Park on September 2, will benefit charities Give Us A Break, Compton Care, Wolverhampton & Bilston Athletics Club and The Mayoral Charity Fund.
Mary said: “It’s a fabulous event to be involved in and we can never have enough volunteers. We could use some extra help, whether it be with marshalling duties, setting up on the day, helping late entrants and even picking up the litter.”
Wolverhampton Wanderers centre-back Danny Batth, who is regularly involved in charity work is supporting the event.
Danny said: “It is great to see so much interest in the events at this year’s half marathon, not only due to the money that will be raised for some fantastic charities, but also to see people of all ages wanting to get active and improve their fitness.
“I am not sure yet what Wolves’ training schedule will be for September 2, but, if it all possible, I would love to be out there watching everyone taking part in such a worthwhile event for Wolverhampton and all of the charities involved.”
Ms Harding added: “It’s great to have Danny involved.
“He’s very passionate about charity work and from a community point of view. It’s also great to have Wolves involved.
“We all just want to showcase our city and help others.
“The walk in the park suits people interested in a leisurely stroll while children can participate in the mini-marathon.
“I’ve been involved for 21 years, and it’s always been my vision to have events for everyone to do, such as mothers in pushchairs and just people to walk the dog. It’s perfect for them.”
Go to wolverhamptonmarathonevents.co.uk for more.