Express & Star

Hospital staff raise funds to send terminally ill children on dream Disney holiday

Doctors and nurses at a hospital in the Black Country are embarking on a mammoth cycling challenge to send terminally ill children on a magical Disney holiday.

Nurse Val Howard, nurse Lisa Edward, paediatric consultant Dr Julie Brent, and sister Rachael Trevitt are all taking part

Staff at Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital children's ward have rallied together to take part in the Coast to Coast bike challenge, which will see 12 of them cycle a gruelling 150 miles during three and a half days.

The route runs from Whitehaven on the west coast to Tyneside in the North East and the eager cyclists will be raising money for Caudwell Children Destination Dreams, a charity that helps youngsters with life-limiting conditions to go to Walt Disney World Florida with their families.

Staff nurse Lisa Edwards said: "We are looking forward to the challenge. We have never done this much riding before.

"We deal a lot with children such as this suffering from life-limiting illnesses and it means a lot for us to be able to give back to these children as one last wish.

"The children and their families are what we are going to be thinking of on the ride when we are struggling up the hills.

"It’s all about making memories for them, their siblings and their parents.

Nurses Val Howard and Lisa Edward

"They don’t normally get much respite with conditions like this, so it’s such an important cause which is close to our hearts.”

The hospital team have joined forces with detectives from West Midlands Police child protection unit, who will also be taking part in the ride from May 4 to 7.

They have raised nearly £400 so far but hope to get to a target of £2,000.

Staff nurse Val Howard added: "I have done lots of different things for children’s charities over the years but this is my first bike ride."

And consultant paediatrician Julie Brent said: "The trip is all about creating memories for the children and their siblings, and the whole family.

"For families this is a once in a lifetime holiday to Florida and Disney World where everything is magical. They stay at Give Kids the World which is the most amazing holiday village where everyone is made to feel special. The village is completely disability friendly with splash pools, ice cream on tap and there are lots of characters to surprise the kids.

“We are looking forward to raising as much money as possible for this brilliant charity.”

A total of six senior children’s doctors and six senior children’s nurses go on the trip with the families to support the children’s medical needs, which allows the parents and other family members to relax and concentrate on just having fun.

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