Express & Star

Gran left 'black and blue' after being hit by cyclist

A grandmother has been left battered and bruised after she was knocked down by a hit-and-run cyclist.

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Jacqui Hackett was left battered and bruised when she was hit by a cyclist, who did not stop

Jacqui Hackett was waiting for a bus after an appointment at Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital when she stepped out from the bus stop and was hit by the cyclist, who then pedalled off.

Pharmacy worker Mrs Hackett, a grandmother of 11, today condemned the cyclist’s actions but paid tribute to a Good Samaritan who looked after her.

She was waiting for a bus on Wednesfield Road when the cyclist smashed into her.

Mrs Hackett, 52, said: “I poked my head out and could see the bike quite far away.

“Then the bus pulled up and I came out to get on and then the cyclist hit me at full pelt. I flew up in the air and landed on my face.

“When the bus came a lady got off and helped me, and rang an ambulance.

“I’d like to thank her for what she did. But I can’t believe the cyclist just rode off.

“After he hit me he should have stopped, especially because it was dark.

“If that had been a child I dread to think what would’ve happened.”

Mrs Hackett was taken to hospital and x-rayed as medics feared she had suffered a fracture.

Fortunately nothing was broken but she remains in pain nearly a week after the incident and is still off work.

She said: “I’m very lucky it wasn’t worse.

“The bruising is coming down but it’s still very painful.

“They thought I had broken my jaw but luckily I haven’t.

“I’m black and blue and the back of my head is grazed where I went along the ground.”

The incident occurred at around 7.15pm last Wednesday and Mrs Hackett questioned the design of the shelter which meant she stepped out onto the pavement but couldn’t see what was coming.

She has spoken to police but they are not treating the incident as a crime.

Mrs Hackett said: “It was a hit and run, that’s what my son told the officer.

“The cyclist just left me there and it’s bitterly upset my kids and my grandchildren.”

However she praised the lady who helped her after the smash and has urged her to come forward so she can properly thank her.