Cyclist taken to hospital after collision

A cyclist was taken to hospital with head injuries after a collision on a busy road.

Last updated
Police close a road as a result of the crash

The collision happened on the Black Country New Road near the junction of Woden Road West in Darlaston at around 8.00am on Monday morning.

Road closures put in place as a result of the collision caused delays for motorists while the cyclist involved was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman Murray MacGregor said: “On arrival, ambulance crews found a cyclist who had suffered a head injury and had a reduced level of consciousness.

"There was considerable damage to the car.

“The rider, a man in his 40s, was sedated at the scene by the doctor before he was taken on blue lights to the major trauma centre at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham with the doctor and CCP travelling with the ambulance.

“The car driver was unhurt and was with police.”