Express & Star

Flyers offer advice on city parking

Thousands of flyers have been delivered to residents in a city following widespread concern about illegal parking.

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David Ryley, of Wolverhampton, who has produced a poster and leaflets highlighting poor parking

David Ryley has led the scheme and was prompted to act after attending Partners and Communities Together (PACT) meetings across Wolverhampton where people had vented their frustration on the issue.

Of particular concern were drivers who block all or part of a pavement thereby restricting its use for mobility scooters, pushchairs and wheelchairs.

Other problems include parked cars blocking driveways and access to businesses; cars preventing other drivers from having a clear view at junctions; vehicles causing damage to grass verges and kerbs; and cars contravening existing parking restrictions including double-yellow lines.

Mr Ryley led a small committee which produced 10,000 advisory leaflets, 1,000 A4 posters and 300 boards which can be attached to lampposts.

He then visited each of 18 PACT meetings across the city where he gave a presentation and sought volunteers to help distribute the material.

They started in May and have so far sent out nearly 9,000 leaflets, nearly 800 A4 posters and nearly 200 boards.

He said: "The main problems which people have been reporting is those drivers who are parking and obstructing the pavement.

"For people in wheelchairs and mothers and fathers with pushchairs, it can be a real problem.

"The leaflets point to five problems in particular, all of which are examples of illegal parking.

"People may get wound up by these things but they are not very good at then reporting them.

"They believe there should be an immediate response by the police but I have emphasised it is the persistent problems and persistent offenders that need to be reported.

"People often have a grumble but don't want to do an awful lot about it."

The scheme was run with the backing of West Midlands Police and Wolverhampton council. It received funding from the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioners Active Citizens fund.

The materials which have been distributed advise residents on how to report parking issues when they have been spotted.

Problems around pavement obstruction, blocked access and vehicles obstructing views at junctions should be reported to West Midlands Police via 101.

Wolverhampton council are the contact for issues with damage to verges and contravention of exiting restrictions. They can be reached on 01902 551155.

Mr Ryley is still seeking volunteers to help distribute materials, of which he has not ruled our having more printed.

He can be reached at or on 07786914857.